Andreea Mogos: Entrepreneurial Journalism

Traditional media problems and new challenges
What used to work for traditional media, doesn’t work anymore. From 2001 to 2010 newspapers circulation has decreased on 25%. That responds to the attitude of traditional media, which wanted to preserve their status instead of facing new technologies and innovations.
Nowadays, because of different factors (economic crisis, free access to the information, social media, and etcetera) those media who didn’t want to make a change, are forced to do it. Journalism and information business, as other economic agents, work well in the dynamics of capitalism, ruled by how much offer of information products are in the market and the demands of audience.

Free access to information provided by internet and social media has increased in the last years. Become easier consumption around the world because new technologies.
Because of the new multitask tendencies, journalists were forced to adapt themselves against their will. They had to exit their comfort zone and change their work space, habits and working methods.
Death spiral: the mutual relationship between the decline of the subscriptions, the decline of advertising and newsroom cutbacks.
They changed to be a one-way communication line to be a new interactive dialogue with the audience.
Big data becomes important, it makes possible analyse the future behaviour of the audiences. In a time where sources go digital, journalists can and have to be closer to those sources. The Internet opened up possibilities beyond our current understanding. Data journalism is just the beginning of evolving our past practices to adapt to the online.
“Success for a sustainable business is to base it on audience’s needs.”

There’s an existing trend to generate a similar vision of topics between friend’s groups in social media.

Innovative journalist products
Keys to generate a good slideshow:
• Audio leads final product.
• Firstly write a text and adapt images to it.
• Photos: 3 to 10 seconds, 20 pictures per minute.
• Maximum duration: 3-4 minutes.
Pictures types:
• Signature pictures: it’s the first picture. It resumes the general concept of the slideshow (character+location). Introduction to the story.
• Overall shot/establishing story: general view frame that locates the story.
• Details/close ups: can be used as a break, ideas or concepts transitions and add drama and strong feeling to the story.
• Portrait: a character is needed to have a story. There are pictures of the main character in the document.
• Interaction: other characters can appear in the story. Are used to show day to day life and to establish the chronology.
• Sequence: many images showing how things are done. They add dynamism to the story.
• End: summarises the project.
• Process: how is something made. Eg. How is currency made.
• Chronology: a day summarised in images. Eg. A day in Wimbledon.
• Highlights: best moments of an event.
• Flipbook: most used in advertising. It does not include a story but it’s a topic that connect similar pictures.

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